Monday 24 August 2009

GCSE Astronomy Project

I thought I might upload some of the work I did for my GCSE coursework project.

This is the Observation part of the coursework, it is a single image made up of many separate frames all overlay over each other.

The images were taken on the 01/04/2008 between 21:29 and 23:29 (BST). This is a 2 hour time lapse image used to calculate the length of the sidereal day, i took the images with 2 minute intervals (manually)

Well here it is:

From Astronomy Stills

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Sunday 23 August 2009

Meteor Image

Just got a nice bright shot of a meteor, pretty impressive indeed.

As usual taken with the Canon 400D, 30s Exposure.
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Friday 14 August 2009

Persied Meteor Shower 2009

For those of you that have been listening to the news recently will have heard of the recent meteor shower peak.

The peak was during the 11-13 August and during this time you could have seen meteors quite often.

Unfortunately, despite my best efforts, the weather for Shrewsbury has been poor over this period and I have been unable to capture any meteors using my equipment.
On the brighter side I seem to have solved this issue of condensation on the camera lens and will post details later.

I hope clear skies for all (however the forecast says otherwise), as the meteor shower should still be visible, and its definitely worth watching for an hour or so.
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