Sunday 10 January 2010

Winter In Shrewsbury

A time-lapse of overnight snowfall.

Since BBC told me the night wouldn't be clear and we would have some snow I decided to aim the camera lower and watch the snow falling. Here is the result:
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Monday 21 December 2009

Some Beautiful Hubble Images

Here is a little collection of images from the Boston Big Picture.

Hubble Space Telescope Advent Calendar 2009

As you can see arranged in an advent calender format so you'll have to wait a few days to see them all.
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Tuesday 15 December 2009

Not Particularly Astronomy

Here is a fun video I made a week or so ago and I’ve compiled the same footage a few times on my channel with different effects.

Here Is probably my favourite version:

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Wednesday 2 December 2009

Comments Now Working

Sorry if anyone was trying to leave a comment and was unable to, I have now changed the settings and it should now work fine.

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Wednesday 25 November 2009

Video Compilation November 2009

I've assembled some of my favourite clips into a compilation. Including music from Zero Project.

All uploaded in 720p (took 3 hours to upload and failed once).
I hope you enjoy it.
Using Unsharp Mask Filter as reccomended by Till Credner, here is version 2:

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Wednesday 11 November 2009

Moonlit Night

Another night, little stars but a beautiful moon.

A good example of the bane of astronomers, the full moon. Our incredibly bright satellite illuminates the night sky in a similar way light pollution does. This prevents viewing of any dimmer stars.

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Monday 2 November 2009

The rise of the Pleidies

Another video of the night sky, enjoy.

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Wednesday 14 October 2009


Another moon related video.

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Wednesday 7 October 2009

04 Oct 09 Time Lapse Video

Another beautiful moonlit night, enjoy!

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Monday 5 October 2009

05 Sep 09 Moonlit Night

Time Lapse Video of a beautiful moonlit night in my garden. 

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Wednesday 30 September 2009

Updates September 09

As you may have noticed the change of the layout of the site. This post will summarize these changes.

The most major change made is that posts on the main page are not now shown in full. These have been condensed into small snippets that allow you to only expand the stories you are interested in. This seems to work well in most browsers however Mozilla Firefox seems to only expand certain articles, I'm looking to fix this bug so if you have any ideas (or solutions) please comment  now works fine (it was firefox being more selective about html tagging). 

Next is the new Label cloud, this should allow you to sort through the various articles quickly and find what you want faster.

Finally I have added the Blogroll which allows me to show you the blogs I read, and if anyone has any suggestions, I will be happy to review them.

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Tuesday 29 September 2009

Camera hood and fan

In this post I'm going to examine how I made the camera hood and fan.

This is the camera hood and fan design I use to prevent condensation on my camera. The fan is quite effective, until the humidity gets too high.
I use a variety of materials to make this, as follows:

2x Cardboard Box
80cm Computer fan
Metal coat hanger (wrapped around the open end of cone)
Power supply or 6-12V battery (I adapted a universal power supply)
Large Bin bag
Duct tape or glue gun
Twine or string

To make this I just used trial and error. It depends on your camera’s field of view as to how wide your cone should be. However it is likely that you will want to create the cone as an oval shape as most cameras have a wider field than height.

Once you have worked out the approximate shape of your cone, attach the metal coat hanger to keep the shape of the end of the cone. Finally cut a hole at the top and attach the fan, pointing at the lens of the camera.

Once that was complete I attached the bin bag as to cover the camera completely to prevent light showers affecting the equipment.

Here’s the diagram:

From Posted Images

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